Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I want it all.

Here I am a 34 year old women finding myself at the end of yet another failed relationship once again preparing to ring in the new year with no one special in my life. Wondering what is it that I really want and what is it that I'm really willing to give? What is my definition of a true relationship? What is my all? I think I have an idea but what makes me let some things slip by with one man and not except them with another? One man I dated was financially responsible wasn’t rich but very conscience with money. Very manly and traditional on what a man should pay for in a relationship. However, he had that kind of dangerous is this motherfucker gonna kill me today love. The kind that is always on the edge, don’t know if what I’m gonna say will set him off. Which can be exciting at times but if your not used to that kinda thing (and I’m not) it can prove to be too much. The other guy I dated was very nice, very sweet and calm but very broke, no job and very happy that way. Since I made the money in the relationship I funded it. Now I’m not talking big stuff, a trip to the movies here, dinner there. I be damned if I pay a grown man's rent. I always thought if I can put the two together they would make one great man. It seemed what one didn’t have the other did, right down to sex. One eats pussy the other didn’t. One had a big dick the other didn’t and so on. So now that I’m not dating anyone I have to sit back and think. What is my idea of having it all in a relationship? Everyone has an idea of what they want. Some want marriage, some just want to have a long term relationship with no marriage. Some want to be the one in control of everything and some just want to be controlled. I needed to figure out what was my common denominator. Then came a few days ago, with the help of someone else, I had a very important break through of what that is. I refused to be used in anyway, not my body, my money or my time. I met a man the other day he seemed very promising. We met like how everyone else meets, online and we exchanged numbers, never spoke just text. Through the texting I made it very clear I’m looking for a long term relationship. Which he replied, “cool”. After a few messages his line of questioning set off a few red flags. Nothing major just things like, “Are your breast real, do you have a big ass, do your wear thongs or g-strings?” etc.. (to which the answer to all the questions except the last one is yes). His questions made me want to cut to the chase and get a clear understanding of what this guy’s intentions really are. So I ask , “Are you looking for something casual ?” Which is a nice way of saying, “Do you just want easy pussy?” To which he replies ,"Yes”. Ok no problem I thought, I tell him very nicely, “Well sorry I’m not the one for you”. No harm no foul and defiantly no hard feelings, until he replies with this. “Can’t we do it til we each find someone else?” WHAT THE FUCK! Who does this man think he is and how dare he think it's was ok to ask me to use my pussy til he finds some new pussy? Needless to say I told him to fuck off but after I calmed down I realized something, he helped me. I now know what my all is, it’s not what a man can give me but it’s what I’m willing to except from a man. My time can’t be used up on assholes who think relationships are emotional roller coasters, my money can’t be wasted on men that don’t understand how hard I work for it and think an occasional thank you baby will cover everything. Lastly my body can’t be wasted on men who think they can use me til if or when he finds someone else. These may seem like simple things but often these are things we come to give up in the quest to find our all, this includes men too. Now I’m not saying I'm not gonna slip up and waver off what I’m looking for but I think I have a very strong idea of what having my all in a relationship is. I really don’t know if I ever will get it, so wish me luck and good luck to you in finding yours.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

New found confidence.

I was getting out of the shower today and decided to do a coochie check. You know just giving it a quick check for any bumps and bruises due to any minor altercations it has been through (everyone does it and if you don't I strongly suggest you do). So I get my hand mirror out getting ready to give my coochie a little pep talk, just let it know it's doing a good job and it's appreciated and that things are looking down right now but it will get better. You gotta do a pussy pep talk now and again it’s good for the both of you. Anyway everything was looking good ( if I do say so myself ;) ) when my mirror slips out of my hand and I catch between my legs. I was shocked, my coochie has fast reflexes! Here I am giving it pep talks and it does tricks I didn't even know. Now I know its a long way from smoking a cancer stick but its something. It was kind of like my coochie was saying, " I'm not the one who needs the pep talk, you the one who needs to remember just how ill this nana is". Needless to say I feel better bout myself, my coochie has given me new confidence. Now if a man ask me for some I will be like, "fool please this is bionic coochie, its super fast. I can't just give the coochie you, you gotta catch it". So the moral of this story is ( if there is one ) ladies there will be times when you are down and you will forget how good you are and what you got to offer is, not just your coochie but you in general. Remember there is more to you than you think. Give yourself I good pep talk learn something new about yourself cause just when you think you’ve done it all, that’s when you’ll realize this old dog has new tricks (but just don’t be turning tricks, oh my, that’s whole other conversation).

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Nutmeg not just for pie anymore.

I was watching the news and I heard something very funny, (I hear something funny on the news everyday but that's just me) I heard that teens, children, juvenile delinquents what ever the hell you want to call them are using nutmeg, yes nutmeg, to get high. That is bullshit! We can't leave our medication lying around no wait we can't even buy medication without giving two forms of identification because of these little crack heads. I'm at CVS I'm half dead, don't know how I even ended up at the drug store, all I know is that I need some drugs just to get half way through the day. I get my tussin (store brand of course), I get my ass to the counter, I throw the feel good and some lip gloss ( ;) I still gotta look cute) on the counter and then the bitch gonna ask me for DOB, just because johnny like to sip on the sizzurp. I don't don't even like sizzurp I had to google it just to make sure I spelled it right. Which brings me back to nutmeg. Now we gotta lock up your spice rack. Grandmammas everywhere is at a loss. First her arthritis medication now the bitch can't bake! Look we need to hurry up and make marijuana legal so the kids can get high granny can bake and I can take my tussin when I need it.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tell me why?

1.Why can't people understand that sometimes you have to make choices that you don't like even the President of the United States?

2.Why is that strong women like Elizabeth Edwards gets cancer, a cheating husband in your last days and then dies. When a women like that tramp her husband was with F*cks your man have a baby and lives on to whore for another day?

3.lastly, why is it that when I cough or sneeze to hard I pee on myself? How did this happen to my life?

tax cuts or unemployment checks?

O.k I'm just gonna come straight out and say I'm a democrate I'm by far no a political buff but I do try to pay attention on important things. I feel the unemployment ext deal was the right thing to do. However, I have fellow democrates that don't seem understand that at the time of holidays and the dawn of a new year we can't take away from people (millions of people) just to say we won a show down. Now that the tax cuts or given we should make sure the rich start creating the jobs they said they needed the tax cuts for and they have only 18 months to do it.

My first blog

Hello since this is my first blog I will like to introduce myself My name is Shivonne I'm just an ordinary citizen living just a regular life. I'm not perfect (no one is) but I try to do my best and do what is right in the world. Just like everyone else in I talk to my family and friends about todays issues. I've always been told things like your so funny or you should be a comedian but really I'm not non of those things I just like to state the obvious but put it in my own words that for some reason turns out to be funny. I am a strong believer in common sense. I don't think eveyone has it but most do. The sad thing it's used far to little. Yes there have been time were I've not used mine but I try as much as possible to use it. So that's what I plan on bringing to the table with my blogs common sense with a bit of humor. I will say Sometimes the humor is not gonna always be there but what I do hope for is a lot positive views and of course common sense