Saturday, December 11, 2010

New found confidence.

I was getting out of the shower today and decided to do a coochie check. You know just giving it a quick check for any bumps and bruises due to any minor altercations it has been through (everyone does it and if you don't I strongly suggest you do). So I get my hand mirror out getting ready to give my coochie a little pep talk, just let it know it's doing a good job and it's appreciated and that things are looking down right now but it will get better. You gotta do a pussy pep talk now and again it’s good for the both of you. Anyway everything was looking good ( if I do say so myself ;) ) when my mirror slips out of my hand and I catch between my legs. I was shocked, my coochie has fast reflexes! Here I am giving it pep talks and it does tricks I didn't even know. Now I know its a long way from smoking a cancer stick but its something. It was kind of like my coochie was saying, " I'm not the one who needs the pep talk, you the one who needs to remember just how ill this nana is". Needless to say I feel better bout myself, my coochie has given me new confidence. Now if a man ask me for some I will be like, "fool please this is bionic coochie, its super fast. I can't just give the coochie you, you gotta catch it". So the moral of this story is ( if there is one ) ladies there will be times when you are down and you will forget how good you are and what you got to offer is, not just your coochie but you in general. Remember there is more to you than you think. Give yourself I good pep talk learn something new about yourself cause just when you think you’ve done it all, that’s when you’ll realize this old dog has new tricks (but just don’t be turning tricks, oh my, that’s whole other conversation).

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